

American Bar Association(米国法曹協会)がついに本気を出したと言ったら大げさですが、司法現場における言語アクセスについて明確な立場を表明したのは大きな一歩です。過去にもそれらしきものはあったのですが、今回の基準は細部にわたって踏み込んだ内容だと聞いています。私も時間ができたらじっくり読んでみたいと思いますが、ザッと軽く目を通した第一印象は、裁判所が提供するべきとされる言語アクセスの範囲が広すぎるのではないかなということ。例えば37ページ(PDF42ページ)には以下のような文言が。

Persons with a Significant Interest in the Matter

Finally, there are LEP persons who have a significant interest in a matter before the court, even if they have no ”legally recognized” interest at stake. Examples include non‐testifying victims in a criminal case, tenants in a public housing complex in a legal action that affects their tenancy, members of a class action who are not lead plaintiffs, or family members of the victim or the defendant in a trial for murder or other aggravated offense. The court should inquire whether there are individuals in the courtroom who may be in need of interpreter services, and determine whether their interest warrants provision of language services.



ABA Language Access Standards Project


ABA Standards for Language Access in Courts

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