




タニグチは訴訟を起こすが、色々あった後に地裁はKPSの主張を支持。判決で「契約書や他の文書の日英翻訳コストはタニグチが負担する(costs of translating contracts and other documents from Japanese to English)」とした。








Supreme Court to Hold Hearing on Interpreting Services Compensation

On February 21, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear a case questioning whether the cost of translating written documents can be considered compensation for interpreters. U.S. law allows for "compensation of interpreters" to be charged as a reimbursable expense in a federal lawsuit. The current litigation stems from a suit brought by Kouichi Taniguchi, a former Japanese professional baseball player. Taniguchi sued Kan Pacific Saipan Ltd., owner of Marianas Resort and Spa, for negligence because he sustained injuries when the hotel's wooden deck collapsed underneath him. The court ruled against Taniguchi and ordered him to pay for the costs of Kan Pacific's defense. In its request for reimbursement, Kan Pacific listed translation costs as "compensation of interpreters." Taniguchi appealed the judgment and asserted that translation costs cannot be considered "compensation of interpreters." Taniguchi's appeal stated, "That word does not extend to one who translates written documents." Kan Pacific's legal counsel countered that the ordinary meaning of "interpreters" includes those who translate, and there is no indication that Congress intended anything other than the ordinary meaning. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit rejected Taniguchi's appeal, noting that the word “interpreter” can reasonably include a “translator.” Attorney Mark K. Stancil says the Ninth Circuit Court misconstrued the meaning of "interpreters" as used in the U.S. statute. "At its most basic level, the distinction between interpreters and translators is simple: Interpreters speak, while translators write." Dallas lawyer Scott T. Williams agrees with Stancil. Because the statute does not define the term "interpreters," Williams believes the U.S. Supreme Court will look to how the word is commonly used in the language services industry.

From "US High Court to Hold First Full Hearing on CNMI Case"
Saipan Tribune (Northern Mariana Islands) (01/03/12) de la Torre, Ferdie


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